Sunday, January 14, 2024

Press Release - Villegas adds to his writing on alcoholism with a theater play

January, 2024, Indianapolis – Robert Villegas has written a play named El Borracho – A Stage Play. This stage play is about the struggle of the main character, Ricard, who has recently been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. The play chronicles his personal struggle to deal with how he became an alcoholic and how to repair his life. It focuses on his values, how to identify their role in his life, and how he can shed alcohol as a value. As he begins to understand what is important, he begins the trek from his distorted value structure to life as the standard.

Mr. Villegas says of this stage play: Alcoholism and addiction are difficult matters to deal with. I have tried, in this play, to bring a dramatic touch to the issue to help people better understand how important values are to dealing the topics.”

Robert Villegas is an American writer. He is an independent philosopher with a strong focus on the practical consequences of ideas. He considers the philosophy of ideas to be a central factor in creating a better society and he offers both a critical discussion of modern philosophy as well as practical solutions and fundamental principles to solve the many problems associated with pragmatism and indeterminacy. His work stands on its own.

The book is available in Kindle format, softcover, and hardcover. Presently, you can find this book on Amazon You can also request the book at local book sellers and other online sources. Also available on Amazon and other book sellers are Mr. Villegas’ book “Alcoholism and Addiction - A Ten Step Program” ( and other books. You can contact Mr. Villegas at for questions and permissions. Presently, he is seeking to offer movie and/or television rights.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Press Release: 2085 – A City on a River by Robert Villegas

December 2023, Indiana – A new novel written by Robert Villegas is a new narrative in the literature of dystopian societies.

The book begins:

“We live in a city on a river. Our city is called New America, and our river is the river Styx. We don’t know how the river got this name, but it is a very wide body of water and, they say, on the other side of the river are some very bad people. We have been at war with them all our lives and almost all the news we receive is about the war and how our Supreme Leader is winning it. We give the bodies of our young to fight this war and some never return. They are lost in the greyness on the other side of the river. We never think about losing them because they don’t know their parents, and their parents don’t know them.”

Villegas says about his book: “Orwell was a socialist. I am an objectivist” which establishes the idea that objectivism is much more the superior philosophy to answer the socialists.

Robert Villegas is an American writer. He is an independent philosopher with a strong focus on the practical consequences of ideas. He considers the philosophy of ideas to be a central factor in creating a better society and he offers both a critical discussion of modern philosophy as well as practical solutions and fundamental principles to solve the many problems associated with pragmatism and indeterminacy. His work stands on its own.

The book is available in Kindle format, softcover, and hardcover. Presently, you can find his book on Amazon at You can also request the book at local book sellers and other online sources. You can contact Mr. Villegas at for questions and permissions. Presently, he is seeking to offer movie and/or television rights.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Show Segment Creation Service for Video Bloggers and Teachers

I am offering a new service for bloggers, television shows and radio to help them fill their schedules with great content. I provide show segments with complete text, images, talking points, and on-screen bullet points.

Outline of a Show Segment:

Theory: Say’s Law


“Say’s Law of Markets states that the supply of a good or service creates demand for that good or service. Jean Baptiste Say, a classical French economist, studied the nature of markets in his 1803 book “Treatise on Political Economy” and put forth the view that supply creates its own demand and that economic agents must first engage in production before they can demand goods and services in the market.”[1]

Say’s Law was propagated by classical economist Jean-Baptiste Say who lived between 5 January 1767 – 15 November 1832.

Say's Law can be summarized through the following quote:

·        "Aggregate supply creates its own aggregate demand",

·        "Supply creates its own demand",

·        "Supply constitutes its own demand",

·        "Inherent in supply is the wherewithal for its own consumption". (Direct translation from French Traité d'économie politique.)[2]

In short, production comes before consumption. You cannot re-distribute money from one individual to another and think you are improving the economy. The economic “benefit” from spending that money is a wash – what it takes from the productive, it gives to the non-productive which means that it is a zero-sum policy. Another way of looking at re-distribution of income is to say that consumption is not the way to stimulate production. Re-distribution of income only makes one person poorer and another person richer – this does not improve the economy. All it does is give the government the opportunity to decide who gets rich and who gets poor. It is a wash; it adds no new money to the economy.

Investopedia tells us about the implications of Say’s Law:

“Implications of Say's Law of Markets

  1. The greater the number of producers and a variety of products in an economy, the more prosperous it will be. Conversely, those members of a society who consume and do not produce will be a drag on the economy.
  2. The success of one producer or industry will benefit other producers and industries whose output they subsequently purchase, and businesses will be more successful when they locate near or trade with other successful businesses. This also means that government policy that encourages production, investment, and prosperity in neighboring countries will redound to the benefit of the domestic economy as well. 
  3. The importation of goods, even at a trade deficit, is beneficial to the domestic economy.
  4. The encouragement of consumption is not beneficial, but harmful, to the economy. The production and accumulation of goods over time constitutes prosperity; consuming without producing eats away the wealth and prosperity of an economy. Good economic policy should consist of encouraging industry and productive activity in general, while leaving the specific direction of which goods to produce and how up to investors, entrepreneurs, and workers in accord with market incentives.”[3] 


Say’s Law is a brilliant statement of how government destroys prosperity through a policy of re-distribution. It declares that reason holds that you cannot improve an economy by the practice of printing money and giving it away to others who would not use it wisely. History tells us that the wiser man takes his production and more frugally spend it as opposed to the person who does not produce this own product.

Potential other Show Segments Could Include

Our focus on free markets could lead to other shows (or teacher segments) on the following topics:

Free Market Segments

·        Broken Window Fallacy

·        What is Re-distribution?

·        What is Fiat Money?

·        What is Capitalism?

·        How do Free Markets Work?

·        What is the Role of Production in Society?

·        What is Monetary Policy?

·        What is the Difference between Capitalism and Socialism?

·        What is the difference between Keynesian monetary policy and capitalist monetary policy

·        The benefits of capitalism

·        Knowledge Systems on the fly

If you would like to subscribe for this service, please contact me at to discuss. You can also purchase my book on capitalism at

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

New Book Offers New Perspective on Altruism

Greenwood, IN – A new book, written by Robert Villegas, represents a new challenge to man’s understanding of one of history’s iconic moral institutions: altruism. The History of Altruism was written as a self-enlightenment project on the author’s part as he struggled to understand the conflict between those who preach and practice altruism and those who consider it a moral pariah responsible for mayhem and bloodshed. The following is a quote from the book’s Introduction:

“Many people don’t realize that their most deadly enemy has seldom been seen and cannot be imagined. In my view that enemy is altruism and what is not imagined about it is that it is evil. If this is true, they are not aware of the principles that are destroying them. They are practicing a morality that brings only deadly results while they continue to expect things to get better; and even worse, they consider themselves to be moral while they are acting as their own destroyers.”

This book seeks to provide new interpretations of altruism that set the record straight on the one aspect of altruism that is seldom considered and that is the loss of value imposed upon the “giver”. This loss has been experienced in a number of ways, not the least of which include the loss of life and the decline into poverty for many people. Mr. Villegas shows the many forms of altruism that have existed throughout history and how those forms led inexorably to the disasters of the last century and the coming decline of our present century. There is a way out and that way is described in this book.

Robert Villegas, is an Indiana Author specializing in fiction, romance, theater and philosophy. He was born in South Texas (Weslaco) but raised in Indiana. He is Hispanic-American but American in every sense of the word. He has spent a lifetime in the business world as a UPS executive and also worked in locations all over the United States and Europe. He is an Army veteran who served in Korea as a telecommunications specialist serving in the 7th Infantry Division in Camp Casey, Korea. He was educated in Indiana and earned a Degree through the University of the State of NY (Albany) via an external degree program. He is divorced with three grown children and three grandchildren.

Contact Information
Robert Villegas